Quietly atmospheric and darkly foreboding, A Plea for Constant Motion is an ominous, and occasionally unnerving, new work of fiction by award-winning author Paul Carlucci.Penetrating and visceral...
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Auteur: Carlucci, PaulSommaire:Genre: Short stories, Canadian fiction
Auteur: Frolick, Larry, Carlucci, PaulSommaire:
“It was a different crow, but the same crow, you understand? Because there is only one Crow. God made them all black and identical-looking because there is no reason for them to be different birds...
Auteur: Carlucci, PaulSommaire:
A gritty, Canadian Cormac McCarthy. A rich interplay between the characters and their surroundings, an environment that swarms the characters, sometimes inflicting harm. Drugs. Violence. Racism....
Genre: Canadian fiction, Short stories