In the summer of 1996, a father and his 13-year-old son embarked on a 3400 km bicycle tour across Canada. Affectionately known as “Manhood Training,” this unique bonding experience became the...
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Auteur: Correy, RyanSommaire:
Auteur: Correy, RyanSommaire:
An honest memoir that deconstructs an evolving father-son relationship, uncovers the struggles in becoming one of Canada's most respected adventure cyclists and the dramatic impact of a...
Auteur: Correy, RyanSommaire:
Before his untimely death from cancer in 2018, veteran rider and passionate cyclist Ryan Correy (two-time finisher of the Tour Divide, founder of Bikepack Canada and author of A Purpose Ridden)...
Genre: Canadian nonfiction, Guidebooks, Travel writing