“Burning Man, Slaying Dragon is an exciting, high stakes, spiritual adventure that spans decades, continents, cultures and generations. As a young, headstrong hippie, Deanna Barnhardt Kawatski...
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Auteur: Kawatski, Deanna BarnhardtSommaire:
Auteur: Pam JenoffSommaire:
From the New York Times bestselling author of The Orphan's Tale One woman's determination to protect a child from the dangers of war will force her to face those lurking closer to home…
Genre: Historical fiction, Romance fiction, War fiction -
Auteur: Nixon, LindsaySommaire:
How do you honour blood and chosen kin with equal care? A groundbreaking memoir spanning nations, prairie punk scenes, and queer love stories, Lindsay Nixon's NÎTISÂNAK is woven around grief over...