"Mills's suspenseful, strikingly original sixth Mitch Rapp novel...is as riveting as anything penned by Mitch's creator, Vince Flynn (1966–2013). Mills has really hit his stride with this franchise entry." —...
Electric power failures
- Auteur:Flynn, VinceSommaire:
- Auteur:Walters, EricSommaire:
A global blackout forces teenager Adam Daley and his neighbors to turn their community into a fortress, defending against countless enemies, but a new danger threatens to destroy them all.
- Auteur:Walters, EricSommaire:
In a world gone dark, life goes on for Adam and his fortified neighborhood of Eden Mills even if the extreme steps taken by his battle-hardened mentor Herb, his police chief mom, and the other leaders in the name of security and...
- Auteur:Walters, EricSommaire:
"A teen's suburban neighborhood bands together for its own survival in a world stricken by a catastrophic blackout"--
- Auteur:Alam, RumaanSommaire:
Amanda and Clay head out to a remote corner of Long Island expecting a vacation. But a late-night knock on the door breaks the spell. Ruth and G. H. are an older couple--it's their house, and they've arrived in a panic. They...
- Auteur:Koepp, DavidSommaire:
SOON TO BE A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE FROM NETFLIX AND ACADEMY AWARD-WINNING DIRECTOR KATHRYN BIGELOW"Fantastic story, a real page-turner. Impossible to put down."--Stephen KingFrom the author of Cold Storage comes a riveting, eerily...
- Auteur:Esplin, J. L.Sommaire:
For fans of Gary Paulsen's classic Hatchet and Lauren Tarshis's bestselling I Survived series, J. L. Esplin's 96 Miles is a story of survival and desperation as two young brothers confront the worst in humanity—and...