In this enchanting collection of fairy tales, including original stories and interpretations of Chinese folklore by master storyteller Paul Yee, a glorious procession of characters - peasants, ghosts, merchants, demons, villagers and...
- Auteur:Yee, PaulSommaire:
- Auteur:Schneidau, LisaSommaire:
The islands of Britain and Ireland hold a rich heritage of plant folklore and wisdom, from the magical yew tree to the bad-tempered dandelion. Here are traditional tales about the trees and plants that shape our landscapes and our lives...
- Auteur:Crossley-Holland, KevinSommaire:
Ancient, rich, and strange, this collection of eerie tales from across Britain and Ireland have influenced our culture and the folklore that followed.
- Auteur:SkaaySommaire:
Skaay of the Qquuna Qiighawaay was born in the Haida village of Qquuna about 1827 and lived most of his adult life in the village of Ttanuu. He survived the epidemics that annihilated more than nine-tenths of the Haida population, and...
- Auteur:Alrawi, KarimSommaire:
Arab Fairy Tale Feasts is the latest title in the highly-praised Fairy Tale Feasts Collection, a creative series that folds enchanting folk tales into cookbooks of kid-friendly recipes. Award-winning writer and storyteller, Karim Alrawi...
- Auteur:Vigneault, Gilles, Jorisch, StéphaneSommaire:
Enhanced ebook featuring a narrated story and 2 recorded songs performed by Connie Kaldor and Paul Campagne. An irresistible story-song, full of wit and whimsy, that will take you far away into an imaginative world of poetry inhabited...
- Auteur:Singer, Isaac BashevisSommaire:
When their wishes fail, three children learn that they must deserve by effort what they had wanted to get too easily.
- Auteur:Sommaire:
For centuries, people around the world have been telling stories about tricksters—characters who solve problems by using their wits to fool others. Sometimes, these tricksters want to help people. Other times, they use their cleverness...