Instructional and educational works
- Author:Benson, RonSummary:
- Author:Franken, GerhardSummary:
The Android OS continues to rapidly expand offering app developers access to one of the largest platforms available, and this easy-to-follow guide walks you through the development process step by step. In this new edition of the...
- Author:Garza, Ana.Summary:
Ana Garza's reference guide of Android commands with brief explanations assumes you already know how to use Android, but may occasionally need help remembering an accessibility command or setting. If you own Getting Started with Android...
- Author:James, DerekSummary:
Android phones are rapidly gaining market share, nudging the iPhone out of the top spot. Games are the most frequently downloaded apps in the Android market, and users are willing to pay for them. Game programming can be challenging,...
- Author:Gookin, Dan.Summary:
Outsmart your new Android Getting a smartphone or tablet can be intimidating for anyone, but this user-friendly guide is here to help you to get the most out of all your new gadget has to offer! Whether you're upgrading from an...
- Author:Burton, Michael, Felker, Donn, Dobbs, JoshuaSummary:
App development for tablets is a booming business. Android tablets, including the popular Motorola Xoom, are gaining market share at breakneck speed, and this book can have even novice programmers creating great Android apps...
- Author:Bergeron, Emilie, Villeneuve, CorineSummary:
Fascinante y sorprendente, Animales acuáticos nos lleva en un mundo marino misterioso. Guiado por un ser mítico, su hijo descubrirá muchos hechos sorprendentes de la vida acuática. ¿Listo para bucear? Las estampas interactivas de la...
- Author:Bergeron, Emilie, Villeneuve, CorineSummary:
Un clásico exótico, Animales de África nos ofrece un safari de conocimientos sobre los animales de la sabana y de la selva. Al ritmo de África, descubra los animales de diferentes maneras: por su comida, sus gritos o también...
- Author:Bergeron, Emilie, Villeneuve, CorineSummary:
Un clásico alegre, Animales de granja presente cada de los miembros de diferentes familias de animales que encontramos en la granja. Las ilustraciones atractivas y los gritos realistas captaran la atención de los niños pequeños y...
- Author:Bergeron, Emilie, Villeneuve, CorineSummary:
Animals of Africa is an exotic classic that offers a safari of knowledge on the animals of the savannah and the jungle. While discovering Africa, you will get to know the animals in various ways; their food, their cries, their tracks....
- Author:Bergeron, Emilie, Villeneuve, CorineSummary:
Captivant et surprenant, Animaux aquatiques nous transporte dans le mystérieux monde marin. Guidé par un être mythique, votre enfant découvrira beaucoup de faits étonnants de la vie aquatique. Prêt à plonger? Les imagiers interactifs de...
- Author:Bergeron, Emilie, Villeneuve, CorineSummary:
Un classique exotique, Animaux de l’Afrique nous offre un safari de connaissances sur les animaux de la savane et de la jungle. Au rythme de l’Afrique, découvrez les animaux de différentes façons : par leur nourriture, leur cri ou...
- Author:Bergeron, Emilie, Villeneuve, CorineSummary:
Un joyeux classique, Animaux de la ferme présente chacun des membres des différentes familles d’animaux qu’on retrouve à la ferme. Les illustrations attrayantes et les cris réalistes capteront l’attention des tout-petits et amuseront...
- Author:Pecther, KerrySummary:
Why look into annuities? If you’re a Baby Boomer with little or no pension and most of your money in low-interest savings accounts, an annuity may be the key to a secure and comfortable retirement. How can you find out whether an...
- Author:Smith, Cameron M., Davies, Evan T.Summary:
When did the first civilizations arise? How many human languages exist? The answers are found in anthropology - and this friendly guide explains its concepts in clear detail. You'll see how anthropology developed as a science, what it...
- Author:Zoglin, Ron, Shouse, DeborahSummary:
“This is a fun and painless way to give yourself a firm grounding in the wide wonderful world of antiques and collectibles.” Kyle Husfloen, Managing Editor, Antique Trader Weekly and Antique Trader’s Antiques & Collectibles Price...
- Author:Ward, Julie Ann, Barrett, Alice, Bradberry, KarleeSummary:
"Una antología crítica de textos literarios del mundo hispanohablante. Se enfoca en autores canónicos y también se intenta incluir voces marginadas. Cada texto tiene una introducción y anotaciones creadas por estudiantes. // A...
- Author:Summary:
Una antología crítica de textos literarios del mundo hispanohablante. Se enfoca en autores canónicos y también se intenta incluir voces marginadas. Cada texto tiene una introducción y anotaciones creadas por estudiantes. // A...
- Author:Hébert, ArianeSummary:
Vous pensez que votre enfant souffre d'anxiété ? Alors ce livre est pour vous ! Que sont le stress et l'anxiété ? D'où proviennent-ils et pourquoi certains enfants et adolescents y sont-ils plus sensibles ? Quels...
- Author:Gwynne, Margaret A.Summary:
This up-to-date, engaging, accessible applied anthropology textbook presents a thorough yet balanced introduction to the field while specifically addressing a concern of immediate and practical importance to college students-choosing a...