Canadian history is full of touching stories of animal companionship, and some relationships between people and their cherished companions are legendary. From Grey Owl and the Beaver People to Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King'...
Canadian nonfiction
- Author:MacDonald, CherylSummary:
- Author:Baker, Peter E., Fleming, John A.Summary:
A visual journey showcasing how history can make a house a home, a reminder of the strength of character and ingenuity entrenched in Canada’s history. Inspired by the 150th anniversary of Canadian confederation — the same year...
- Author:Beaunoyer, Jean, Germain, Georges-Hebert, Beaulne, Jean, Homel, DavidSummary:
Céline Dion is quite possibly Canada’s most famous singer and an icon in her own home province of Quebec. Possessed of an incandescent voice and a vibrant personality, she has moved huge audiences all over the world. These two books...
- Author:Germain, Georges-Hebert, Homel, DavidSummary:
Simply entitled Céline, this is the long-awaited, authorized biography of Céline Dion, the rags-to-riches story of a woman who has become the leading recording artist in the world. First published in French in Quebec in December 1997,...
- Author:Summary:
For the Anishinaabeg people, who span a vast geographic region from the Great Lakes to the Plains and beyond, stories are vessels of knowledge. They are bagijiganan, offerings of the possibilities within Anishinaabeg life. Existing...
- Author:Perry, Beth, Park, Caroline, Melrose, SherriSummary:
Many of today's learning environments are dominated by technology or procedure-driven approaches that leave learners feeling alone and disconnected. The authors of Centring Human Connections in the Education of Health Professionals...
- Author:Vaz-Oxlade, Gail E.Summary:
We live in a world of growing singleness. While lots of attention is being paid to senior singles, less has been given to younger women and men who find themselves suddenly single. This book maps out the territory that singles find...
- Author:Tomasella, SaverioSummary:
«Comme le voyageur, l'ami consent à ce que l'expérience le transforme.» La puissance de la rencontre, le désir d'être écouté et reconnu, le besoin de se confier font du lien amical un des plus marquants de notre...
- Author:Duroyaume, Sandrine, Fecteau, Stéphanie, Gagnon, Pascale, Guiet, Francine, Luker, Karen, Arenstein, Georges-HenriSummary:
Les bienfaits du lien humain-animal ne sont plus à prouver. Ces relations contribuent au développement harmonieux de l’être humain. Francine Guiet décrit quatre projets qui illustrent la force des bénéfices de la médiation animale. Le...
- Author:Vandendorpe, MagdaSummary:
«Par mon expérience, et à l’aide d’exemples d’autres artistes et créateurs complexés d’infériorité, je démontrerai comment l’individu qui se juge, se compare et s’isole – en se cachant derrière un personnage fictif et en ne se montrant...
- Author:Stonechild, BlairSummary:
Rediscovering, valuing, and embracing Indigenous spirituality and wisdom is critical for humanity to survive in the future. Civilization is a western, Eurocentric construct borne from a distrust of nature, a desire to endlessly exploit...
- Author:Wellman, JimSummary:
Challengers of the Sea brings you face to face with men and women who take on the best and the worst of what the Northwest Atlantic Ocean offers. Read gripping accounts of losing sons, husbands, fathers, brothers, and best...
- Author:Lux, Maureen, Dyck, ErikaSummary:
Between the decriminalization of contraception in 1969 and the introduction of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms in 1982, a landmark decade in the struggle for women's rights, public discourse about birth control and family planning...
- Author:Fryer, Mary BeacockSummary:
Samuel de Champlain has long been known as the founder of Quebec and as a tireless explorer. No one knows for sure where he was born or who he really was. Still, his career was packed with interesting details and his early life prepared...
- Author:Thomas, Mark P., Vosko, Leah F., Fanelli, Carlo, Lyubchenko, OlenaSummary:
In a period characterized by growing social inequality, precarious work, the legacies of settler colonialism, and the emergence of new social movements, Change and Continuity presents innovative interdisciplinary research as a guide to...
- Author:Kechnie, Margaret, Reitsma-Street, MargeSummary:
This book provides a glimpse of Aboriginal women in Northern Ontario and it reflects primarily the impact of the European churches and systems on Aboriginal peoples’ way of life. The words of the Aboriginal women are gentle, but these...
- Author:Trudeau, MargaretSummary:
In this deeply moving memoir, Margaret Trudeau speaks with candour and insight about the illness that silently shaped her life -- a life lived often in turbulence and in the public's fascination. Plagued since childhood by extreme moods...
- Author:Marsh, John S., Hodgins, Bruce W.Summary:
This important book is a must for everyone concerned with the heritage and future of Canada's parks. Contributors include an impressive assembly of noted park experts ranging from academic authorities and government parks personnel...
- Author:Laroche, StephenSummary:
Changing the Game: A History of NHL Expansion celebrates an often-overlooked aspect of hockey history. The book provides comprehensive coverage of the NHL’s spread across the North American market in the 1920s along with the...
- Author:Waxman, SydellSummary:
When Emily Stowe was born in Ontario in 1831, every girl’s life followed a set pattern. Regardless of her personality, intelligence, capabilities or creativity, her future was limited to housework and childcare. Emily Stowe was...