An Abenaki born in St Francis, Quebec, Noel Annance (1792–1869), by virtue of two of his great-grandparents having been early white captives, attended Dartmouth College in New Hampshire. Determined to apply his privileged education, he...
Indigenous materials
- Author:Barman, JeanSummary:
- Author:Knopf, KerstinSummary:
Exploring a variety of topics—including health, politics, education, art, literature, media, and film—Aboriginal Canada Revisited draws a portrait of the current political and cultural position of Canada’s Aboriginal peoples. While...
- Author:Isaac, ThomasSummary:
Thomas Isaac looks at the broad picture of trends that are developing in the law and the background, highlighting aspects of Canadian law that impact Aboriginal peoples and their relationship with the wider Canadian society. While...
- Author:Rogers, Edward S., Smith, Donald B.Summary:
Winner of the 1995 Ontario Historical Society Joseph Brant Award for the best book on native studies Aboriginal Ontario: Historical Perspectives on the First Nations contains seventeen essays on aspects of the history of the First...
- Author:Summary:
This volume features differing views of past, present, and possible future roles for Aboriginal people in the Canadian political and electoral system. The studies address the issues facing Aboriginal people and the efforts to increase...
- Author:Reynolds, JimSummary:
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission urged a better understanding of Aboriginal law for all Canadians. This book responds to that call, outlining significant legal developments in straightforward, non-technical language. Jim Reynolds...
- Author:Frideres, James S.Summary:
Aboriginal Peoples in Canada, eighth edition, provides a current, comprehensive introduction to Native Studies. Using both the majority and minority perspectives, it chronicles the changes that have taken place over the past century and...
- Author:Summary:
This volume addresses a wide range of topics related to Aboriginal resource use, ranging from the pre-contact period to the present. The papers were originally presented at a conference held in 1988 at the University of Winnipeg. Co-...
- Author:Ray, Arthur J.Summary:
Forums such as commissions, courtroom trials, and tribunals that have been established through the second half of the twentieth century to address Aboriginal land claims have consequently created a particular way of presenting...
- Author:Cherubini, LorenzoSummary:
Aboriginal people want an education that reflects their cultural values and linguistic heritages, an education that will foster their children’s engagement and identity and not marginalize them as learners. This book turns the spotlight...
- Author:Knafla, Louis A., Westra, HaijoSummary:
Delgamuukw. Mabo. Ngati Apa. Recent cases have created a framework for litigating Aboriginal title in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. The distinguished group of scholars whose work is showcased here, however, shows that our...
- Author:Adese, JenniferSummary:
In Aboriginal TM, Jennifer Adese explores the origins, meaning, and usage of the term "Aboriginal" and its displacement by the word "Indigenous." In the Constitution Act, 1982, the term's express purpose was to speak to specific "...
- Author:Twigg, AlanSummary:
Following the success of First Invaders (Ronsdale, 2004), Alan Twigg turns his attention to First Nations writers, unearthing more than 300 books by more than 170 mostly unheralded British Columbia aboriginal authors. Taking the reader...
- Author:Brookes, ChrisSummary:
In 1880, two Inuit families from Labrador in northern Canada were exhibited in European zoos. Spectators flocked to the zoo exhibit expecting to see "exotics" from some "primitive race". What they found instead were Labradorimiut who...
- Author:Battery RadioSummary:
In 1880, two Inuit families from Labrador in northern Canada were exhibited in European zoos. Spectators flocked to the zoo exhibit expecting to see "exotics" from some "primitive race". What they found instead were Labradorimiut who...
- Author:Archibald-Barber, Jesse RaeSummary:
Aided by Grandmother Spider, Star Woman discovers the Hole-in-the-Sky, opening a pathway for the Star People to experience the wonder of life on earth. But the world falls into the hands of the Paper People, jeopardizing the sacred...
- Author:Toulouse, Pamela RoseSummary:
In Achieving Indigenous Student Success, author Pamela Toulouse provides strategies, lessons, and hands-on activities that support both Indigenous and non-Indigenous learners in the secondary classroom. While the author's primary focus...
- Author:Summary:
Across Cultures/Across Borders is a collection of new critical essays, interviews, and other writings by twenty-five established and emerging Canadian Aboriginal and Native American scholars and creative writers across Turtle Island....
- Author:Christensen, Julia, Cox, Christopher, Szabo-Jones, LisaSummary:
Activating the Heart is an exploration of storytelling as a tool for knowledge production and sharing to build new connections between people and their histories, environments, and cultural geographies. The collection pays particular...
- Author:Mehlmann, GloriaSummary:
Adam's Tree is a fictional account of life on the Cowesses First Nation in Saskatchewan during the 1940's and 50's.This period in history finds forces like regulatory policy, World War II, systemic racism, and the long reach of the...