Bodies float in rapture, and in death, transported by waves of pleasure, or lapped by failure, fallen, having flown too close to the sun. The poems in this collection are at once macabre and ecstatic, probing the body by means of...
- Author:Roorda, JulieSummary:
- Author:Ellenbogen, BailaSummary:
In Footsteps on the Ceiling, Baila Ellenbogen explores the overlapping planes of existence her experience and intellectual curiosity have led her to inhabit, reliving childhood memories while questions of faith and domestic...
- Author:Seymour, DavidSummary:
These poems pause for the spectacle: cloning technologies, super-slo-mo photography, narcotic cab rides. Making fun of consciousness, they describe a system of tripwires, pitfalls and decoys that this notion of daily viewership entails...
- Author:Reynolds, JasonSummary:
Originally performed at the Kennedy Center for the unveiling of the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial, and later as a tribute to Walter Dean Myers, this stirring and inspirational poem is New York Times bestselling author and National...
- Author:Cho, Oh-hyunSummary:
Cho Oh-Hyun was born in Miryang, South Gyeongsang Province, Korea and has lived in retreat in the mountains since becoming a novice monk at the age of seven. Writing under the Buddhist name Musan, he has composed hundreds of poems in...
- Author:Lang, SarahSummary:
Arranged as a mother’s survival guide to her daughter, For Tamara is a touching and inventive long poem about surviving and thriving from the author of The Work of Days. It seems simple: a long letter, from a mother to a daughter,...
- Author:Lecomte, Mia, Bishop, JohannaSummary:
Most contemporary poets wear their cultural and artistic influences on their sleeve. Picking up a book in an English language bookstore, it is easy to see where the poet is coming from, either geographically, or culturally (ironic and...
- Author:Pipar, RosetteSummary:
Comme autant de mémoires surgissant de chaque instant, les mots se fragmentent et forment le kaléidoscope de la Vie. Un regard, une émotion, un souvenir ravivent l'impression forte nichée au fond de l'âme attendant l'heure d'imbiber le...
- Author:Pipar, RosetteSummary:
Fragments II est la suite du premier recueil de poèmes Fragments I. Il a pour principale l’écrit, personnifiant la vie intérieure qui vibre en duo. Il se fait l’écho de la voie profonde captant le souffle brut qui quête sa parcelle d’...
- Author:Gernes, Ulrikka S., Friesen, Patrick, Brask, PerSummary:
Finalist for the 2016 Griffin Poetry Prize
The English translation of new work from a celebrated Danish poet.
Frayed Opus for Strings & Wind Instruments is a collection of poems that zooms in and out of places...
- Author:Youn, MonicaSummary:
Longlisted for the 2023 National Book Award for Poetry. "Where are you from...No - where are you from from?" It's a question every Asian American gets asked as part of an incessant chorus saying you'll never belong...
- Author:Dragisic, PeggySummary:
A sequence exploring the bittersweet corners of motherhood.
- Author:Burt, StephenSummary:
In his 2015 Garnett Sedgewick lecture, award-winning poet and literary critic Stephen Burt discusses the relation of poetry to time, space and place. He examines the widespread and popular view of contemporary critics who claim that...
- Author:Beissel, HenrySummary:
These poems take the reader on a mind-blowing journey across the known micro- and macrocosms to the extreme outer edges of space and time. The counter-intuitive insights of modern science here become reality as we are led to question...
- Author:Vincent, John EmilSummary:
Took all this time to actually in fact bite our own tail to learn that that hurts; I guess it was worth it. / Developed a taste for tails. The prose poems of Ganymede's Dog startle myths back to life, whether Ganymede's...
- Author:Bluger, MarianneSummary:
Meditative, meticulously-crafted poems that nonetheless take seriously the idea that all poetry is a form of praise, and that "the habit of sadness just isn’t enough/ … / because it isn't joy." Gathering Wild is Marianne Bluger...
- Author:Noyes, SteveSummary:
“In a sober and carefully understated voice I say: this is a damn good poet.” Al Purdy on Backing into Heaven
Ghost Country enters the difficult electric air between cultures and lovers, alive to the fierce...
- Author:Flanagan, RobertSummary:
In tight, compact words that resemble an unravelling DNA code of life, poet Robert Flanagan contemplates mortality in his latest collection, Giant Sky of The Shepherds. Flanagan's poetry is essential, incantatory, and almost shamanistic...
- Author:Editors of the Montreal Poetry PrizeSummary:
The Global Poetry Anthology 2015 is a one-of-a-kind collection of contemporary poems, previously unpublished, and gathered from all corners of the English-speaking world. The international editorial board ensures the present volume’s...
- Author:Humphreys, HelenSummary:
Don Gutteridge approaches his home town of Point Edward, Ontario, with an array of listening and recording devices, mixing poetry, documentary newspaper collage, interviews and photography. A milestone in the documentary poem.