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Kamloopa : an Indigenous matriarch story

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    Certified Accessible By: National Network for Equitable Library Service
    BC Libraries Cooperative, 2021
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    Certified Accessible By: National Network for Equitable Library Service
    BC Libraries Cooperative, 2021


  • Contributor: Lachance, Lindsay; Clark, Kimi

    "Come along for the ride to Kamloopa, the largest Powwow on the West Coast. This high-energy Indigenous matriarchal story follows two urban Indigenous sisters and a lawless Trickster who face our postcolonial world head-on as they come to terms with what it means to honour who they are and where they come from. But how to go about discovering yourself when Christopher Columbus allegedly already did that? Bear witness to the courage of these women as they turn to their Ancestors for help in reclaiming their power in this ultimate transformation story. In developing matriarchal relationships and shared Indigenous values, Kamloopa explores the fearless love and passion of two Indigenous women reconnecting with their homelands, Ancestors, and stories. Kim Senklip Harvey's play is a boundary-blurring adventure that will remind you to always dance like the Ancestors are watching. Kamloopa: An Indigenous Matriarch Story is the work of Kim Senklip Harvey, a proud Indigenous woman from the Syilx, Tsilhqot'in, Ktunaxa, and Dakelh First Nations, listed for the Gina Wilkinson Prize for her work as an emerging director and widely considered to be one of this land's most original voices among the next generation of Indigenous artists. "Here. Us. We are here. Daughters. Sisters. We are the mountains, the rivers, the sky, the animals, the wind, the breath of our worlds. These are the pathways connecting us to you. We are the Land, our home for you to return to, together." --as spoken by the play's Ancestral Syilx Matriarchs.

    • Kamloopa: an Indigenous matriarch story. The land breathes ; In search of ; First contact ; In the den ; Smokescreens ; Sisters ; Den mates ; Ancestral visit ; Raven's landing ; The fire is calling ; On the land: return of Senklip ; Embodied land ; Landing together
    • Facsimile "Fire zine! A Kamloopa story study buddy," / by Kimi Clark.
    Original Publisher: Vancouver, Talonbooks
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 9781772012422, 1772012424