This is the story of Barry and Lupus. Barry, an exhausted newspaper owner physically and economically on the ropes, meets Lupus, a wolf-German Shepherd cross, at an animal shelter. Despite a nagging belief that he cannot take...
- Auteur:Grills, BarrySommaire:
- Auteur:Grills, BarrySommaire:
This is the story of Barry and Lupus. Barry, an exhausted newspaper owner physically and economically on the ropes, meets Lupus, a wolf-German Shepherd cross, at an animal shelter. Despite a nagging belief that he cannot take...
- Auteur:Moisan, MartinSommaire:
Cet ouvrage est né d’un désir de mieux définir, à l’échelle nationale, ce qu’est un individu en bonne santé. De l’avis de l’auteur, cette redéfinition pourrait à elle seule soulager une partie de la souffrance actuelle du système de...
- Auteur:Maher, SuzanneSommaire:
We are each gifted in a unique and important way. It is our privilege and our adventure to discover our own special light." --Mary Dunbar Memorably poignant and inspiring verses are coupled with striking watercolor illustrations...
- Auteur:Northrup, ChristianeSommaire:
Quel âge avez-vous ? Quel âge avez-vous l’impression d’avoir ? Nous sommes programmées pour nous attendre au déclin inévitable de notre santé, de notre apparence, de nos relations sexuelles et même du plaisir que nous prenons à vivre;...
- Auteur:Althea PressSommaire:
Essential oils are a natural and safe way to improve your health, cure ailments and soothe your body and mind. Essential oils come from natural sources, and have been used for centuries for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. Essential...
- Auteur:Clement, Brian R.Sommaire:
Nous traversons une période dans laquelle de plus en plus de gens réalisentque leur mode de vie et leur santé sont en grand déséquilibre. L'InstitutHippocrate présente des évidences scienti ques convaincantes prouvant quele mieux-être...
- Auteur:Hoedel, Sally A.Sommaire:
Destined to Die Young is the definitive examination of why the world lost Elvis Presley on August 16, 1977, when he was only forty-two years old. Author Sally Hoedel has painstakingly researched the subject and offers factual and...
- Auteur:Rockridge PressSommaire:
EFT is a simple, effective, noninvasive and drug-free way to use your body's own healing mechanisms to overcome physical and emotional pain. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and tapping is a way to activate energy points along one's...
- Auteur:Jacobs, A. J.Sommaire:
Jacobs attempts to become the healthiest man alive--at times to his (extremely patient) wife's chagrin. Relating his tussle with the often nonsensical world of dieting and exercise advice, Jacobs goes to excruciating (and hilarious)...
- Auteur:Hister, Art.Sommaire:
- Auteur:Alejo, Bob, Antonio, Jose, Campbell, WilliamSommaire:
Double Play helps athletes get in better shape to play the best baseball of their lives.
- Auteur:Drew, Lorna, Ferrari, LeoSommaire:
Lorna Drew thought her partner was carrying his absent-minded professor status too far, until, two years ago, he was diagnosed with Alzheimer Disease. A thoughtful memoir and a wide-ranging handbook, Different Minds is an illuminating...
- Auteur:Telamon PressSommaire:
When you think of the phrase "diet food," what image comes to mind? Usually bland, flavorless food that is impossible to enjoy. Diet Shakes will help you lose weight while still eating food that actually tastes good, so that you can...
- Auteur:Rains, ElizabethSommaire:
Until recently, hepatitis C—which infects 170 million people throughout the world—was always fatal. But today there is finally a remarkable cure.
Elizabeth Rains describes how she was likely infected with hepatitis C during her... - Auteur:Chopra, DeepakSommaire:
L'auteur et philosophe Deepak Chopra vous offre des réflexions, des pensées et des inspirations sur les grandes questions à propos de l’amour et des relations. Joignez-vous à l’auteur de best-sellers du New York Time dans une aventure...
- Auteur:Wong, TeresaSommaire:
In this intimate and moving graphic memoir, Teresa Wong writes and illustrates the story of her struggle with postpartum depression in the form of a letter to her daughter Scarlet. Equal parts heartbreaking and funny, Dear Scarlet...
- Auteur:Rockridge PressSommaire:
Coconut Oil for Beginners is the #1 guide to using coconut oil for better health and glowing skin and hair. For centuries, cultures around the world have used coconut oil for its many nutritional and health benefits. Now, coconut oil is...
- Auteur:Knighton, RyanSommaire:
An irreverent, tragicomic, astoundingly articulate memoir about going blind—and growing up On his eighteenth birthday, Ryan Knighton was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa, a congenital, progressive disease marked by night-blindness,...
- Auteur:Rowley, John M., Hansen, Mark VictorSommaire:
The key to success isn't your ability, intelligence or skill. There are many very gifted failures out there. Life's rewards come from what we do, not from what we have and most people simply don't have the energy to get to the next rung...